In the final installment of the A Better Place series, Serene Haroon gives her listeners some tips for event day and discusses some things she wished someone had told her. Listen as she motivates her ...Read More
In the fifth part of the A Better Place series, Serene Haroon describes the question and answer session she designed for her participants. Listen as she explains why this was the easiest part of her e...Read More
In the fourth part of the A Better Place series, listen as Serene Haroon discusses the decisions she made regarding making her digital escape room. Listen as she discusses her childhood and why she ch...Read More
In the third part of the A Better Place series, Serene Haroon teaches her listeners about emergency preparedness and how to incorporate this information into an escape room. Listen as she describes sp...Read More
In the second part of the A Better Place series, Serene Haroon talks about the first portion of her project: making and donating over 300 face masks. Listen as she describes the process she underwent ...Read More
In this episode, the host, Serene Haroon, introduces herself and gives an overview of her girl scout gold award project where she donated over 300 face masks to local hospitals during the COVID-19 pan...Read More